Thursday, May 28, 2009

Harold's inspection!

Amazing machines

The bottom field is really wet when it is winte so the amazing machines dug a drainage pipe

Thursday, May 21, 2009

More Show not tell!

We were inspired by a clip from Harry Potter and look at these wonderful sentences:

It was a dark day and Harry came swooping around the castle on his broom stick. He felt nervous. The dark creature loomed from behind a fire lit rock. Nasty, swooping, scaly wings spread across the sky. Silence began. Hannah

Harry hid behind a magma rock. As he tried to catch his breath a burst of flames melted the rock. Harry called his broom, voom, wish it flew as fast as a cheetah. Sapphira

He was ready to pounce on Harry who was screaming and puffing under a cracking rock. Kate

Nervously Harry approached the dome waiting for the giant creature to pounce. Elizabeth

Show not tell

Wow, what fantastic writers these Middle Roomers are. Today during cooking we made a Y chart and have a look at some of the fantastic sentences we came up with...

Squeak, splash, splosh immediately water rushes out at the speed of light and wraps around the messy potatoes. Elizabeth

Slowly my moist fingers slid to the handle of the sharp, wet knife. Splish went the water, squelch went the rice. Suddenly out came the seaweed marching along the dirty table top. (Great use of personification Hannah!)

Bubbles were popping slowly, rising from the lava. The tap was popping out fire while devils attacked me. Thomas

Sizzling like a bbq. It was small and delicious melting in my mouth. It's like a chocolate delight and the apple has a crunchy texture. Kristal

Slowly my fingers go down into the wet, slimey, squishy rice. My fingers are slowly rolling the bumpy, squishy sushi. Meila

Squish, splosh, splash the dishes are done shiney as gold. Theo

The cheesey, crispy potatoes started to crunch up between my teeth. The sour cream sothed my throat. Tom
The nice teacher
the end


on thursday we were making food. we made sushi, wedges and pikelets
Mrs s is the nicist teacher

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Reuse Reuse Reuse

We have been making paper maiche by using reusable materials. It was great to have the seniors over with us. Each of us have a plastic plate which we will cover with newspaper and then decorate. Make sure you check back and see what brilliant things we have made!

pal loves to fly and jump.and comes from australia. he is a lutino cokatiel

Friday, May 8, 2009

Can you do it?

Aim: to place 8 queens on a chess board so no queen can take another.
Easy? Have a go!


On Thursday we did baking and made boysenberry muffins and scones. We looked on the food pyramid and found that most of our ingredients were from eat some and eat little. Next time we will make something healthy like a healthy sandwich.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Pyramid

We were doing a food pyramid and we went with buddies and cut and coloured some food. Then we stuck them on the pryamid. 

Theo & Orions lesson

It was quite an experience teaching everybody how to make something. It was good fun after a while .

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Work work work!

What is this large hole in our lawn? It's a lake!!! You can see the cool island in the middle and the ramp so Anode can get in and out easily. Are we missing anything?

We can drink again!

These pictures show our long awaited well being finished off. You can see the digger putting in the well liners and then filling the hole with dirt. Once the water is clear we will be able to drink it!

Animal update

Pickles and Anode say a big hello to all Middle Roomers!
They both get on really well and Pickles even tries to jump on Anodes head! She also sits on her door and throws peanuts down to Anode. Mrs S is not impressed with her feeding the dog!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Today room 2 did a frog challenge. Well this is what we had to do. There are three frogs on the left and right. The point is to get get the frogs from one side to the other side . But only one can jump at a time.kristal did it. I dont think I could do it.